Getting Around
Getting Around
If you do not have a car, in addition to walking, there are 6 readily available options for you to get around;
Metro Linx GO Service
Ride Share - Uber / Lyft
VIA Train Service and
for the fit in good weather - bicycling


The Town of Halton Hills ActiVan service is a specialized transportation service operated by the town for seniors age 65 and older, and persons with disabilities residing within Halton Hills. The service only operates within the municipal boundaries of the Town of Halton Hills. In other words, the service will take a resident to or from Coté Terrace to any other address / location in Halton Hills but it will not provide service across municipal boundaries into the surrounding municipalities of Brampton, Caledon, Milton and Mississauga.
To use the ActiVan services an application must be completed and the user must be registered with the town. A registration card is then provided and must be used to access the ActiVan program.
The service has several vehicles all designed to accommodate accessibility needs such as walkers and wheelchairs. Some of the vehicles are designed to accommodate several passengers while others have more limited seating.
The service is provided Monday to Friday, 7:30a.m. to 6:00p.m. and Saturday and Sunday 8:00a.m. to 2:00p.m. ActiVan does not run on statutory holidays.
Activan users call ahead to schedule the date and time they wish use the service.
Additional information is available on the town website
The Taxi Scrip Program is also available for registered ActiVan members and allows riders to call participating taxi companies directly for travel within Halton Hills. ActiVan members receive a 40% discount on the regular taxi fare (with participating taxi companies) through the Taxi Scrip Coupon Book.
GO MetroLinx Service
GO Transit is a regional public transit system that services the Greater Toronto Area (GTA) and areas beyond. The GO Train line serving Halton Hills stops in Georgetown and Acton and runs from Kitchener-Waterloo in the west to Union Station in Toronto. From Union Station several other GO train lines can be accessed. The GO Train station is about 1 mile (1.5km) from Coté Terrace. From the GO Train you can also access the UP Train to Pearson Airport at both Union Station and Weston Station.
The GO Bus services essentially the same area as the train but has numerous stops throughout Halton Hills. The stop nearest Coté Terrace is at Main Street and Mill Street, approximately ¼ mile (450m) away. While the GO Bus is generally looked at as a service to travel from region to region it can be used to travel within the town including to the GO Train station. For example, the bus could be used to go from the downtown stop (Main & Mill) to the mall on Guelph Street or Hillsview Active Living Centre and back.
The GO service connects with every municipal transit system in the Greater Toronto Area and the areas beyond where municipal transit is provided.
Additional information about GO services is available on their website
and from pamphlets available at the station and some local variety stores.

There are a number of taxi companies operating in the Halton Hills (Georgetown) area. While all offer typical taxi services, some offer services that may be more suited to personal needs such as transporting accessibility devices like walkers or wheelchairs.
The taxi companies in the area can be found on-line by searching 'Georgetown taxi' or in the 'yellow pages' of the telephone directory.
Arguably the best information for taxi services is from the experiences of other residents. Not all taxi companies participate in the Taxi Scrip Program that provides savings for Activan members.

Ride Share
Historically, 'rideshare' was essentially carpooling where the passenger cover some of the cost of the trip. Both the driver and rider often were heading in the same direction, to work for example, and the rider would pay some of the cost of the fuel or similar expenses.
Rideshare today is a for profit business where the driver is providing transportation services like a taxi for a fee. They use an app or website operated by a third party such as UBER or LYFT that takes a fee for connecting riders and drivers.
While 'rideshare' has become popular with those that like to use 'apps' on their cell phone and pay for things electronically, if you are not comfortable with using 'apps' and paying for services on your cell phone this service can be challenging.
Rideshare services are available in Halton Hills. Like the taxi service, the best source for 'ride share' information may be from the experience of other residents.

VIA Train
VIA Train service runs through Halton Hills and stops at the Georgetown station, the same station as the GO Train. The station is about 1 mile (1.5km) from Coté Terrace.
Once on the VIA Train you could travel from coast to coast. Schedules and information about the VIA Train service is available at the station or on-line at the VIA website -
The Town of Halton Hills has a plan to establish bicycle lanes in many areas and as streets are renewed bicycle lanes are being included where it is beneficial and possible.
Cycling in the old downtown area and some areas of the community is good exercise and very enjoyable. However, there are high traffic roads such as Guelph Street and Maple Avenue that are not appropriate for cycling because of the traffic volume and large truck traffic.
Additional information about cycling in Halton Hills is available on the town's web site at